Home Education
There is a small, but growing number of parents who are electing to home educate their children. For some people the experience of home education over the lockdown period has been a positive one and they may look to continue this. There are other reasons for parents taking this path which include school not being suitable for their child perhaps for medical or social reasons or special needs not being met – or they may simply prefer to home educate.
It is a parent’s right to decide to home educate their children:-
‘Every child has a right to an education, and it is the duty of the parent of every school age child to provide that education, either by sending the child to school, or by other means.’ (Home Education Guidance, Scottish Government 2007)
Another option which can be explored is flexi-schooling. It is perhaps little known that parents have the right to request a flexi-schooling arrangement from the local authority although the head teacher of the school has to agree to this. This differs from homeschooling where there is a legal right and a presumption that the arrangements will be accepted by the local authority unless they have legitimate concerns about the health and wellbeing or education of the child.
At Chambers Tutoring we will look to support and augment the home education that parents are providing. We realise that people will be looking for support in different ways and all of this would be discussed and agreed. Possible approaches include
- Simply having one or two sessions a week with a different voice covering certain things.
- Supporting the home education of children in specific areas where parents feel they need it
- Providing a link to the curriculum.
- Supporting young people as they approach their formal examinations at secondary school age.
- If applicable, we can work with groups of 3 or 4 children or young people in a home setting.
You may find the links below useful, especially if you are just now looking into home education. We look forward to hearing from you.