We at Chambers Tutoring pride ourselves on delivering the best tutoring sessions possible, but don’t just take our word for it. Here is what some of our clients have said about what we do.
‘Dear David
I’d like to thank you for your excellent work with Eva. Engaging you as her tutor, was the best decision we’ve made for her educationally. She benefited greatly from your one to one tutoring & we can’t thank you enough for drawing her dyslexia to our attention. This has transformed her learning experience & she is now building real confidence in reading, writing and number work. What a difference we see in her & it was thanks to you keeping us right.’
‘Although you were able to tutor the boys well in all subjects, I think we were particularly fortunate in that an area of strength and interest for you is English and the boys benefitted from this as this is an area they really needed to work on. The material you used has also prepared the boys well for the material at ESMS.
I think the work you did with the boys has helped them settle in to ESMS as we had tutoring with you for a good length of time for them to get used to the rigour expected of them at their new school. I am so pleased we still had you in place for lockdown. I know some families only have tutoring to support their children for the assessment days but I feel continuing beyond this was beneficial to the boys. They were ready to finish up for the summer and another strength you have is to have an understanding of when enough has been done. You also didn’t push Ben to have extra sessions nearer his assessment day when he felt he didn’t need them as you knew he was prepared enough.’